Sabtu, 04 Juni 2011

A. Teks Narrativ ( myth dan folktale )

A.  Teks Narrativ ( myth dan folktale )
1.  Myth dan folktale
Myth dan folktale ( cerita rakyat ) merupakan bagian dari teks narrative.
Myth merupakan cerita tradisional yang menceritakan tentang asal mula sebuah Negara daerah, masyarakat, bangunan, dll. Myth sering d artikan sebagai cerita nyata pada zaman dahulu.
Folktale merupakan cerita fiksi yang menceritakan tentang benda, orang ataupun makhluk hidup lainnya. Cerita ini biasanya di mulai dengan frase once upon a time, one day, dll.
2.  Ciri Kebahasaan
·         Menggunakan nimina tertentu sebagai kata ganti orang, hewan dan benda tertentu dalam cerita, misalnya stepsesters.
·         Menggunakan adjective yang membentuk noun phrase, misalnya lomh white hair.
·         Menggunakan verba aksi seperti stayed, climbed, dsb.
·         Menggunakan time connective dan conjunctions untuk mengurutkan kejadian, misalnya adverbs, seperti here, happly ever after, dsb.
·         Menggunakan saying verb, misalkan said.
B.  The Degrees Of Camparison ( Tingkat Perbandingan )
1.  Pengertian
The degrees of comparison merupakan kopentesi struktur bahasa dalam membedekan tingkat perbandingan sesuatu.
2.  Pola
a.   Similarity / positive Degrees
Untuk membandingkan dua buah benda atau kelompok yang sama sifat/ keadaan.
As + adjective + as ( sama + kata sifat )

Not as + adjective + as ( tidak sama / tidak + kata sifat )
·         My mother is as big as my sister. ( sama besarnya )
·         My mother is not as big as my sister. ( tidak sama besarnya )
·         Luna is as tall as Rubi.
·         Mario is as clever as Wira.

b.  Comparative Degree
Untuk membandingkan dua buah benda / kelompok yang berbeda sifat / keadaannya.
Adjective + er + than….. ( lebih…. Daripada….)
·         Aghnia is smarter than noni. ( lebih pintar dari )
·         Lucy is taller than Nancy.
·         Red hat is cheaper than the other one.
c.    Superlative Degree
Untuk membandingkan lebih daripada dua buah benda atau kelompok yang berbeda sifat / keadaannya.
The + adjective + est ( paling/ ter….)
·         Niza is the most intelligent student in my  school. ( paling pintar )
·         Kevin is the most handsome man in the club.
·         Banana splint is the most delicious ice cream in café Mila.
C.  Eksprsi
Expressing sympathy merupakan untuk menyatakan perasaan iba dan turut prihatin terhadap hal buruk yang menimpa seseorang. Calming and reassuring someone atau menenangkan seseorang.

1.  Uangkapan
·         Pleasa don’t worry
·         There’s nothing to worry about
·         You shouldn’t worry/get upset, if I were you.
·         I’m sure things’ll turn out fine in the end.
·         Now, take it easy.
·         Relax
·         Cheer up
·         It’s all right
·         Try and look on
·         The bright side
·         It’s OK
·         Don’t let…worry you.
·         I assure you….
·         You need have no fears about….
·         Let me reassure you that…..

2.  Mengekspresikan Rasa Simpati
·         What a shame
·         What a pity
·         I am so worry to hear that
·         I am so sorry to know that
·         I am very sorry
·         How poor you are
·         That’s awful
·         That’s too bad
·         That’s a terrible
·         That’s dreadful

Princes Mandalika
Once upon a time in Lombok, there was a kingdom named Kuripan. The king of Kuripan was very wise. He had a daughter, named mandalika. She was so beautiful. Many princess wanted to marry her. To choose the one that would be his son-in-law, the king had an arrow shooting competition. The best one would be Mandalika’s husband.
On the day of the competition, those princes shot their arrows. All of them did it perfectly. The king found it difficult to choose. Therefore, the princess began to fight and kill each other.
Princess Mandalika was so desperate. She didn’t want anyone kolling each other because of her. That’s why she decided to go to the sea. She didn’t in the south sea of Lombok. The king and princess were sad and felt guilty. They regretted and stopped fighting.
Until now, one day in every  year, usually in February or march, people go to the south sea. On that day, a a great number of worms come out from the sea. People call these worms nyale. People believe that those nyales are princess Mandalika’s hair.

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